Denis Eperonnier
Denis is an electronics/embedded software engineer, with 14 years experience in the automotive industry. He started developing embedded software for climate control system, from Hardware Abstraction Layer in C, to MMI logic in Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow.
Besides, he also learned Linux server administration by deploying virtualization solutions, and applications such as file sharing, domain controller, version control, issue tracking, databases.
Along the way, he gained a number of skills: requirements and supplier management, Agile/Scrum/Kanban, ISO 26262, OSEK, AUTOSAR, ADAS, MBD, C, Perl, Python, C#, mechanical design, prototyping and testing.
In addition to his projects at customers, he is also one the Nalys Cell Technical Manager, in charge of the Automotive Software area.
Philippe Mariman
Philippe has a lot of experience with embedded Linux projects in several areas (industrial, automotive, multimedia, telecom, ...). His main responsibilities are: system architecture, programming system services, platform software, software integration and release management, set up of development environments, administration of operations servers, ...
He often supports customers in implementation of embedded Linux systems and architecture decision making.
Philippe has a profound interest and expertise in Linux system programming and build systems.
His personal interest is focused on Linux and open source software such as Buildroot, Debian, zmq.

Garcia Mayans Alexandre
Alex is an experienced embedded developper with expertise in driver development, real-time processing, and system programming.
He has worked with linux and real-time embedded operating systems for 9 years in the telecom (high speed internet routers and multiplexers), healthcare (body fluid analysis), and video processing (premium video transcoders) industries.
He's always eager to learn new stuff and share his experience.
Pieter De Vloed
Pieter is an embedded software engineer who graduated in Master of Science in Electrical Engineering at Ghent University.
He has experience with C/C++, bash, build root and u-boot and has been working in the Telecom industry. Besides his passion for Linux, he also has a broad interest in system programming and networking. As a result-driven engineer, he always tries to contribute as much as possible towards a solution.
Learning new technologies and how to use them in an industrial environment is one of his biggest drives, and he is always happy to share his knowledge.

Nick Calus
Nick graduated in 2013 at KULeuven as Master in Computer Science and in 2011 at De Nayer as Master in Industrial Sciences: Electronics-ICT. He has since then gained 3,5 years of experience in C++ development, focused on high performance desktop application development. Next to that he also likes to work on electronics and embedded devices. He is also keen in discovering and exploring anything related to technology.
Bart Sallaerts
Bart has 3 years of experience in test automation for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. He first started writing scripts and features for an in-house test system written in Perl. With this experience he developed a test framework on his own from scratch using Python. In between he also lectured C# and electronic labs at KHLim, now UCLL.
Bart is now moving his career path towards embedded c development, where his main interest lies. He is eager to learn new things and always has quality of software in mind.

Bart De Vos
Bart has been using Debian/Ubuntu in a professional evironment for more than 10 years now. His software development projects are both in industry, office purposes and at home: embedded displays, build-mgmt, router/firewall and printer/scanner server, file sharing are some examples.
In every project he has an eye for details to maximize customer satisfaction, such as custom bootlogo, toolchain integration, 32-bit compatibility systems on 64-bit system. Additionally he developed a lot of demo projects on vehicle display systems in which he highlighted the use of different hardware components from an application point of view.
His main specialities are 'fonts' and readability/usability of graphical user interfaces.
Sam Jaques
Sam is familiar with a large lexicon of digital communication protocols mostly because he has been working for more than 4 years in large network companies. By extending the C++ software bases, he especially acquired Linux skills, procedural and objected oriented C++ & STL programming skills combining test driven development, scripting languages like bash and Python, all of this with focus on agility, quality and productivity.